Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Talent and Abilty Vs Opportunity and ResponsibiltyHere's something I posted to my class inspired by Elder Glen's message on the Parable of the Talents:"I learnt something new today. It refers to 2 different things which actually have a proportionate link. They are ability vs opportunities/ responsibilities. I will use the ownership of a car to discuss this. when i own a car i have an ability. Now, if i use the car for myself alone that is ferry myself from point A to point B alone, I use it for my own convenience. However, now with a new car, i also have new opportunities. I can fetch my friends to school, i can go out for late night suppers with some close friends, i can help in the transpotation of logistics to places, I can meet important clients in a shorter period of time, I can fetch children to school and the list goes on. As long as our ability do not have an outlet where we have opportunities and take up responsibilties to serve, we actually fail in handling that ability; The talent goes to waste. I think it would be a good self reflecting exercise if we listed down all our talents, special gifts and abilities and matched it with the amount of opportunities we have to use these ability. As teachers, we have to stretch. I believe we have to come to a point where we do not have surplus in our ability. In economics, it would mean optimum output. Like what some of you have mentioned and Mrs Goh has emphasised, we are a people developing profession. I think in such professions, the aim is always to make the next generation better than the first. To push the limits of those we serve to a level higher than our own. Ted went far but only because Mrs Thompson covered the a mile first (She went the extra mile for him to go miles further)Yup. We should really try the exercise; match your abilities with your responsibilities and opportunities. Let no talent go to waste:D"This is an example of how you can actually influence your class with Christian values which will in turn lead them to find the true Teacher of such values.Serve God with JOY
6:45 PM
God, I can't. You can