The Parable of the Soccer ball in relation to God's word.
1. At any one point of time, our eyes cannot see the entire ball with all its side. Likewise the Word of God in its infinity cannot be completely understood no matter how much you have read the Word.2. We need to juggle God's word beautifully with focus and skill. 3. Just like a soccer ball is meant for kicking and not for display, God's word is meant for application and not just to read.4. The legs get constantly trained to be accustomed to the ball, we are trained in righteousness when we are familiar with the word of God.5. We can use God's word to dribble past our enemies!6. The soccer ball is sowned with different patches to make it. In the same way, the Word of God with its different aspects is made to reveal Christ.7. As the soccer ball is dribbled nearer to the opposite's Goal, the opposition panics. When the Word of God as a message of salvation is brought to sinners, satan panics.8. The ball is empty and purposeless without the air. The Word of God is useless without the illumination of the Holy Spirit.9. Like the soccer ball, the Word of God is always there. It is whether we want to take up the game and have faith in the Word.10. Without a referee, the soccer ball is not played properly. Without the belt of truth, the Word of God can be misinterpreted and misused.11. The soccer ball is kicked and it becomes a game. The Word of God is applied and it becomes LIFE12. Just as a player tries to keep the ball in his possesion, the Word of God must be kept in our hearts as best as we can. This all was done in 10 mins before follow up session!! haha..Contributed by Han Shen, Chen Thong, Hao Feng and James.
God, I can't. You can
God, I can't. You can
God, I can't. You can
God, I can't. You can