Thursday, February 28, 2008
When God speaks...For Four Hundred years, God kept silent. Between the time the last book in the Old Testament was written until the time John the baptist was born, there was no voice. No clue and no hint to where this world was heading. The world developed from civilization to civilization. Inventions came about. New discoveries was made. But the voice of God was far from heard. There might have been a longing in some people's heart to hear the Voice of God but every daily activity was carried out without reference to God. There might have been hopelessness. Religion came about. I guess Judaism thrived. God was still in control but for that 4oo years, nobody could live a life of purpose. At most, they would wait for the coming Messiah and some still are. Serving God became a custom to the priests (Luke 1).Then God spoke!! Here's a record of what happened:Luke 1:13-17But the angel said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John.
"You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.
"For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; and he will drink no wine or liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother's womb.
And he will turn many of the sons of Israel back to the Lord their God.
It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS BACK TO THE CHILDREN, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." LOOK at all those wordS!! It was a lot but it was all worth it! Can you see the power, Hope, purpose? This is it!! God speaks!! He hears and He speaks!! Do you see the impact that came through those words? A prophet will rise again. God will have His people drawn back to Him. WOW! To some of us, it would be like "so what's that got to do with me?" Plenty. Before a sinner converts to accept that Christ has died for his sins, God speaks. Before you repent of your sins, God speaks. Before a revival breaks forth, God speaks. Before a people start to pray in desperation, God speaks. Before judgment pours out on people, God speaks. Before a life changes and destiny is made, God speaks(Jer 1:5). When God speaks, you get peace, power and purpose. You get nothing when God doesnt speak. "Punching the air" is what it feels like when God doesn't speak. Has God spoken to you?What has God been speaking to you?Have you responded to God's voice?I know this simple article speaks to some of you. If you have questions, post it on the tag or call your leaders. When God speaks, things change when you respond.Try some responding today:DJames
2:16 AM
God, I can't. You can