Friday, December 07, 2007
What was Moses thinking? "God, I can't. You can"Read Exodus 14All that stood between the Israelites and the Promised Land was the threatening Red Sea. A really huge boat and a lot of rounds would be required to take more than 600 000 Israelites across that river. That would have taken a few days. You would have thought that after the Ten Wonders that God performed, the Pharoah would have understood what God was trying to do. You would have thought that the Israelites would be celebrating for the freedom they had just received or for some, the gold and silver articles that they received from their neighbours. Well, they might have had but God had one final scene before they arrived at their destination. Amidst all the stench of the people that had not bathed for a few days, the foul smell of animals' you know what, the tired legs that have been walking for countless hours and the noisy children that don't seem to stop running around, the Israelites faced another trivia- the oncoming chariots of Egypt! What now? Most of them saw the huge sea and the oncoming slaughter. The healthy ones were prepared to swim over. The rest were preparing their death beds. Oh man! Was this how it was going to end?They cried to God. What faith!! Wait a minute.. They cried to God but they complained of their doom at the hands of Pharoah. That wasn't faith, that was fear! Moses said, "“Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever." What was Moses thinking? The whole lot of the army's best forces were coming up against them and he said to the Israelites, "Chill, dudes. We're gonna make it" Well, some would say he wasnt in the right frame of mind. I mean, which political leader, having a nuclear rocket pointing straight towards his country, say, "Don't worry. God says we wouldn't die". That's exactly what he said. He didn't drop his screws somewhere along the way. He saw the Pharoah's Army, saw the huge red sea but he saw God's Promises too. He knew God will keep His Words especially after the 10 Wonders. The Israelites seemed to forget. They forgot their freedom. They forgot their loot. They said that they had rather been back in Egypt. That is really shocking when God responded to deliver them only when they cried out to Him. Moses knew that there was definately more to the Israelites' lives. There was a dream that God had given to him. A dream of a promised land and Moses was hard headed towards that!A lot of times, we're like the Israelites. We respond to pain, struggles, danger and obstacles as a dead end in our lives. We forget that God has a plan, a dream that He has given to each and everyone of us. I know I do. I have said, "I can't" too many times. My dreams seemed to have stalled because of that. But the Holy Spirit encourages me to get up; not on my own feet but in confidence of what God has said and to have faith. For all of us, it's really time to say, "God, I really can't carry on, but YOU can"!! In whatever way God reveals to you, in whatever way Holy Spirit leads you and in whatever situations God causes to come over you, walk in faith, holding on to the dreams that He has given to you! The world has yet to see a man who will destroy Goliaths with a sling and a stone!James
3:37 AM
God, I can't. You can