Sunday, February 18, 2007
Hi All! Here's the link to last Saturday's icebreaker! Enjoy!
1:09 AM
God, I can't. You can
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Hello POWER!! Here's my first lifegroup post. Sad that it is actually a good bye. I'll be leaving for India this afternoon to settle some personal stuff. Tell you guys more when I come back on the 28th if nothing goes wrong. I won't be there for LG on 24th Feb. I'll miss you guys especially all the good food times next tues and sunday. Not like that was important.Hahaha.. Try to be good to Wai Yin and don't cause her any trouble at least for that week. Hahah..
There is internet there (i hope) so I'll still be able to keep in contact with you guys. Call my handphone if you dont mind the overseas charges. Heheh.
Keep sending your testimonies! I'll be reading them from over there and it'll really encourage my heart. You guys are good writers and as long as your heart is pure, the impact made by your testimonies are measured in enormous amounts. So keep on sharing the good news of God in your life! Bring down the morale of the enemy!
Pray for me while I am there. I want to share the gospel with the Indians. Want to bring them the good news to those who really need the eternal salvation. The fears are many. May God guide you as you pray. I'll be praying for you guys too!! Have fun and have a great fellowship at the houses!
ENJOYLabels: Going India
4:31 PM
God, I can't. You can
Happy Chinese New Year to all of you in advanced... Here is ur 3rd installment of testimonies from members in the LG. Remember people to send me your testimonies. Many thanks to Samuel =].
My All For Him: From a second Gener’s perspective.Many of us think second generation Christians, or second geners for short, have it easy. Yes your mum and dad and brother are all Christians, yes you grew up singing ‘Jesus loves me this I know’ and ‘Give me oil in my lamb’. But ask any of the few second geners around they will tell you a different story. Yes your parents brought you up well, good. Yes you do not worry over how to break the news that you believe in Jesus to your family, excellent. Sounds pretty easy you say!
No. This journey is no less challenging then that of the first geners. Second Geners face a time in their youth where they face a difficult question and they have to make that decision. Sometimes growing up in a church may not be such a good thing either. The fact that you are so complacent with whatever that you are and are so used to Church and God that you become less and less sensitive to God and begin to fall off. I can name you fifteen of us, all second geners, all knew Jesus. But I can easily say that the only one surviving is the guy writing this! Not that I am proud of myself, I know that this is but God’s grace and mercy in my life and he has blessed his unworthy servant too many a times.
So what happened to my friends you ask? Well here’s the catch. Whether first gener or second, whether you can recognize Jesus in the toddler’s Bible while googoogahgah-ing, or you knew Jesus only yesterday, we are faced by a Y fork in the road of life. It shows two ways, the long and narrow road which takes a winding turn, or the big nice one with little billboards at the side. The narrow road, if chosen, means losing your life, your dignity, your pride, your selfish ambitions, your all that the world would tell you good job. And that choice is hard, I took many many years contemplating to stay on the wide road with billboards and enjoy my life. Some chose to stay on that road. They failed in life’s journey. All the way for God is my for myself prayer daily .The world has trained us well to do things by our own. But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these shall be added unto you. Surely that path is weird!! By losing it all away not only do you gain but plus blessings? YES! That’s the amazing path of God! But sadly, too few made the right choice.
I too struggle to stay on course. I am no superman. I am weak, I WILL fail. But I know a of a superman who will NEVER fail in helping us in this journey, a God who will guide and bless his children.
We are at the fork of our lives daily. Which road will you take today? God help us to make the right decision!
Here’s a short phrase from a poem which I wrote in Secondary 4, may it bless you in the hardest days of your life=D :
‘Though I walk thru the valley dark & deep;
Though the race seems hard to comm-plete;
The Lord shall be my strength and my guide!’
1:49 AM
God, I can't. You can
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Ok for today's second testimony of the day, we have amanda's testimony. So for all those out there who havent submitted ur testimony... u better hurry. =]."I had always been a rebel at a very young age. It only got worse as I grew older. I argued with teachers, with my principal, which got me retained in Secondary three. But that was not the only reason why I was retained. I was almost never in school. Most nights I would sneak out of my house when my parents went to bed. After a night of partying, I would come home at 5 in the morning and crawl into bed, conveniently “forgetting” to go to school.
I never believed there was a God because I felt neglected a lot. I blamed Him for me being retained and everything that went wrong in my life. Even though I was having fun, making full use of every moment to enjoy myself, there was a lot of pain in my heart. So I also started to cut myself frequently. It seemed that dealing with physical pain was a lot easier than dealing with all the emotional and mental pain I had to go through.
I ran away from home, I snuck out to go party, I missed school, and I cursed at my teachers. You would think that was the worst I could be but it only got worse.
After I graduated from Secondary school, my life went from bad to worse. I picked up drinking, smoking and clubbing. It became so much a part of my lifestyle that one day without it just seemed funny (make me feel uneasy?). I had memberships to clubs which entitled me free entry, which also gave me more reason to club. I thought, “since my friends are all doing it, it can’t be that bad so why not?” That was the sort of thinking that eventually led me to get a tattoo. Nothing could stop me. I had the “I like it so I do it” attitude.
When my Christian friends asked me to go to church, I would reply bluntly with a “NO” and try to change the subject. If they persisted, I would tell them off, “God has never been there for me, so why should I care about what He wants?” My friends eventually gave up asking me to go to church and I continued with my partying.
Then came the day when I woke up with an urge to find God. I woke up thinking; “I need someone in my life I can fully rely on.” I wanted to go to church, but I changed my mind shortly after that when I found out that a party was going on the same day. So for a couple of weeks, I put God aside again. I was either too lazy or had other plans.
Somehow one day I decided, “ok, enough is enough. I will go this weekend” and so I finally went to church. That day was the most amazing day I could ever remember. It was the day God’s presence was so real to me. With tears streaming down from my eyes, I came before God asking Him to forgive me for all the wrongs that I did. After that day, my life was totally changed. I stopped clubbing, drinking and smoking overnight. I also found out that two weeks before I first stepped into the church, a friend whom I have lost contact had started praying for me. God told her to pray for me as she stumbled upon my blog.
Now even my friends see the change in me. They say, “Don’t bother asking her to go party anymore la, she’s a church girl now,” and I’m glad that they think so because I love going to church! Because I love God!
God had planned everything and even though I ignored Him in the beginning and didn’t believe in Him, He reached out to me and chose to save me.
Even when I was cursing Him, mocking Him, he loved me enough to plan for me to return to Him one day. People always ask , “How can you give up partying and all? Don’t you miss it?” It’s simple, really. Jesus gave up his life for me , what’s partying compared to that? Miss it? No, looking back now, the “fun” just can’t match the joy I get from God.
Friends, a few months before today, God has already asked us to be praying for you. Just as He reached out to me with His love, He is reaching out to you. God is the Only One who can turn your upside-down world the right-side up. Thank you."
6:40 AM
God, I can't. You can
Ok people. This is the first post from us the non-leaders in P.O.W.E.R M&M's for the blog. Many thanks to deborah and to all those out there in the LG, please send me (Lester) your testimonies so that i can post it up on the blog. Thank You. =).
"I have no idea what to write for the testimony but I have a poem that pretty much sums up what I feel is like to be a Christian =)
When I say “ I am a Christian,”
I am not shouting “ I am saved.”
I am whispering “ I am lost.”
That is why I choose this way.
When I say “ I am a Christian,”
I do not speak of this with pride.
I am confessing that I stumble
And need someone to by my guide.
When I say “ I am a Christian,”
I am not trying to be strong.
I am professing that I am weak
And pray for strength to carry one.
When I say “ I am a Christian,”
I am not bragging of success.
I am admitting I have failed
And cannot ever pay the debt.
When I say “ I am a Christian,”
I am not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are too visible
But God believes I am worth it.
When I say “ I am a Christian,”
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartaches,
Which is why I seek His name.
When I say “ I am a Christian,”
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I am loved."
6:18 AM
God, I can't. You can
Sunday, February 11, 2007
My Last Post.
To my beloved lifegroup, it really has been a great joy serving you. =)
No words can describe all the good times (and bad) that we enjoyed together. It is with a slight tinge of sadness that I leave you guys and girls.
It's always a shepherd's heart to see his sheep grow, and I am no exception. Though I will no longer be overseeing you all, I do hope to hear you come up to me and tell me that life's been good, and that you've overcame your issues. Haha.
As we continue to run this race, remember that God is always with us! the Holy Spirit leads and guides! don't lose hope, don't give up. Becuz GOD NEVER GIVES UP ON YOU. Press on till you see your breakthrough. Know some of you guys are still struggling with many issues. But don't be discouraged. Press on!
My last request is that POWER M&M will really be a community of love. Start opening up to each other, and share your problems. It's amazing how God can use your fellow brothers and sisters to impact your life.
May His grace be sufficient for you.
He loves you more than you know~!
7:00 AM
God, I can't. You can