Saturday, September 30, 2006
Have a Life? When God moves He IS our life! Wow POWER M&M thanks for a great time of LG today!
When God moves, it means it's time to get serious!
Thank God for all that He's done today for each and everyone of us! Thank God for using all of us to speak to one another.
All glory to Him!
As God has spoken to each one of us, I encourage us to keep the flame burning! Fan it into flame!
Few things for you to do this week as you read through this blog entry:
1. Fan the flame by spending time with HIm and reading your Bible.
How can we love God and don't spend time with Him? The fire and energy source still comes from the Generator Himself. Tap in!
2. Write it down!
Remember what God has done for you. When you feel that God does not care for you, look back at your journal and what you have written, you'll hold on to what He's spoken.
Finally, my friends, let us be like a soldier that's a part of God's army. We don't get ourselves involve in the affairs of the world. We do what the Lord calls us to do!
2 Tim 2:3-7
God bless you!
"Giving ourselves no rest, till we see Your kingdom come on earth."
6:51 AM
God, I can't. You can
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Hey power M&M!
This week is exciting my friends!! We're going through exams, so let's support those of us who are studying! =)
We will be praying for ya all too!!
Yesterday we recalled God's goodness and the lessons we took home from LG time. =)
My prayer is that as we reflect on them, we will desire to grow even more.
Much has been said about Revival. A lot of times we see others and say 'Wah, that person so on fire for Revival, but I don't feel a thing? Is there something wrong with me?'
Well, my answer is simple. =) We all started that way, no fire, no passion. But God, by His grace, slowly build into us his compassion and desire. Just like Cheryl said, we must each have a personal view of Revival. It's your own. No one can tell you what it means truly. We all have different families, friends, schools. Vision and passion comes when ya seek God for it, don't be lazy!
Well, this coming Saturday 30 Sep, it's LG Saturday!! Have a LIFE!!!
Challenge ya all to pray for it! WE believe God to move in our LG this Saturday, so let's join hands and pray! If ya want God to move, prepare your hearts by prayer!
7:46 AM
God, I can't. You can
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
This week's lifegroup meeting :
9:36 AM
God, I can't. You can
The trials of life are many!
We face homework, assignments, projects, exams! Exams!! EXAMS!
It's that time of the year for JC peeps. =)
Well, a note from your beloved leaders and fellow LG peeps who aren't having exams : we'll be praying for ya!
Jia you!
9:33 AM
God, I can't. You can
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Hi all, are you ready to be the Moses of our generation, are you ready to be that deliverer?
Are you willing to come out of the palace of comfort(TV, internet, computer games etc) and go into the wilderness for training? It takes lots of sacrifices, prayers, time and effort...Many times, it involves pain during the process of training too. But, are you willing? Are you willing to respond to God's call to give up your all?
The results may not be tangible yet. But we'll see the harvest one day if we keep sowing and praying for God's rain to pour down.
Do read through your sermon notes and start meditating on Moses as what pastor Ben said. For this week, pay attention to Exodus 3 which speaks about the burning bush. My prayer is, as you read about the burning bush, you'll be captivated by the beauty of it. You'll answer to God's beckoning and as you step into it, you'll be consumed and transformed.
Cast away the things of this world....and step into the burning bush.
7:54 AM
God, I can't. You can
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Dear Christian, are you luke-warm?
Yes, i'm asking YOU, are YOU luke-warm?
Are you passionate for God? Or are you a christian who's just a christian in name? A 'non-practising' christian ain't a christian at all. What's the difference between this 'non-practising' christian (who doesn't go to church,who doesn't read his bible and doesn't pray) and an unbeliever? There's no difference isn't it? This christian has got no light, no taste and is strikingly similar to a non-christian. A 'non-practising' christian only knows Jesus by name, not by His person and character, ain't this exactly the same as the unbelievers? No wonder our friends doesn't want to come to church, no wonder our friends don't find Jesus special, because they can't see it at all. If you want to be a christian, then give it your all. Don't stay a rotting christian, it doesn't help proclaiming God's name at all.
There's so much said about revival, so what have you done about it? I know that i can't live my days as it is anymore and i know that i can't speak God's word with my own knowledge, that's why i've made changes to my daily routine so that i can come to God, surrender to Him and let Him take over. Is it time for you to start doing something as well? We've been placed in a church called "Revival Centre Church", and so, it is our responsibility to stay vigilant and pray till revival hits our church, our families and even our country. The burden of the seven hundred souls belong to each and everyone of us, is that vision still clear for you or has it blurred?
Dear member of POWER M&M, do you really know the significance of this acronym? It is to be People of Worship, Evangelism and REVIVAL! Are you really POWER? I want to be one and i believe that God can make me to be the person who carries His heartbeat for this generation. He's calling for youths who'll press on in prayer, listen to His heartbeat and obey what He says, is there any takers?
I thank God for the new members in our life group, like all of you, they're precious souls whom i love and carry in my heart. But they're the fruits of other faithful sowers while we just stand to gain as harvesters. Don't stand at the boundaries of the field and look as others sow their seeds. Roll up your sleeves and start ploughing! Start praying, start evangelising to your friends! Tired of friends who know the truth but doesn't want to accept it? Me too. But keep on praying and praying vigilantly, don't give up! Translate your passion and love for them into desperate prayers. Dont' know how to pray for them? Ask the Holy Spirit and He'll show you how and what to pray.
Don't like this post? Maybe it's because i've hit the nail? Don't stay angry or guilty after reading what i've written. Instead, think over what's been said and tell God that you'll be the willing soul to surrender and sacrifice all you've got to pray till revival hits us. I pray that those who read this will take up the challenge and want to be used by God.
Hungry for revival? Then, begin with praying and reading your bible...daily.
7:50 AM
God, I can't. You can
Friday, September 15, 2006
Be exalted O Lord among the Nations!
Will I be ready when revival hits? IS my life in line with Revival's call?
Revival, revival, revival. Just another word? Just another 'wow' factor? Just another 'excitement' of our emotions?
Not so.
Do YOU want revival? Do you REALLY want it? Do you WANT it?
My friends, be prepared. The harvest is here, the King stands in the midst of us, giving out His flyers. Will you pass them on? Will you enrol in His service.
Is never was easy, never will be, but we will choose, the narrow way.
I will choose the narrow way
Take the narrow path
Lord teach my heart to obey
You are more than enough for me
You are my eternity
Revival starts when we start praying. When we start loving our friends. Have you made God your conversation? Don'tlook for excuses! God has given us many chances the moment He allowed us to go school. It's your call my fellow labourers.
Save face or save souls.
7:04 PM
God, I can't. You can
hey my fellow lifegroup people!!!
this blog belongs to YOU! so Wai Yin and I aren't going to be doing all the posting, we'll get you to share your week and the things you have learnt in the week as well.. =)
So keep burning for him , sharing the gospel and all!
Save your face or save your friends! =)
See ya on Saturday!
7:00 AM
God, I can't. You can
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Right on! The blog is finally up!! Thanks to Lester and Dilys! Anyone I missed out?
Wow! It's finally up!
It's my honour to pen my thoughts on such a beautiful piece of electronic art. Haha.
Hope your week has been great! Know that for some of us, our exams are round the corner...keep disciplined and honour Him wtih your studies!
8:19 PM
God, I can't. You can
Sunday, September 10, 2006
hey i dunno whether we are allowed to create our posts here on our LG blog but anyway before any rules are formally laid, can all of you send ur pictures to my email...? Cos i havta create the new blogskin. Yupz. Thanks alot everybody. God bless. =] =] =].
7:14 AM
God, I can't. You can